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Tour Taiwan with me: http://hobbicide.com/M13Taiwan/My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13MY CAMERA: http://tiny.cc/o9ttiwMy Private Series: http:/...
SOCIAL ↴\rTwitter - \rInstagram - \rFacebook - \rBlog - \rSnapchat - itsbinkybee\r\rSUPPORT ME ↴\r\r\r\rDISCOUNT CODES ↴\r£10 off your Uber ride \r$10 of...
A woman who lost her eye to cancer as a baby wears glittery and “full bling” eyeballs to "own" her differences.Rachel Mayta, 33, was just 18 months old when...
Hey whats going on everyone, sorry about the mic, still getting it configured and it didn't pick up a few of my words. Also, rip knife.======LINKS======Twitch: ...